Chinese Financing in Venezuela (2000-2018). Joint Funds and Loans-for-Oil

Chinese Financing in Venezuela (2000-2018). Joint Funds and Loans-for-Oil

Carlos Eduardo Piña

The active involvement of China in today’s global events has aroused keen interest on behalf of public opinion, as well as within political circles and, of course, among academics, all aiming to explore and understand the developments in a culture that for centuries has been, to some extent, aloof towards the West. For this reason, important studies have been carried out on a wide range of topics, for example Chinese relations with developing regions such as Latin America and the Caribbean.

This investigation has been carried out along these lines. Its purpose is to document, through data and information from primary sources, official statistics, public management reports and academic articles, the credit and loan relationship between the People’s Republic of China and the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela since the beginning of the 21st century.

We begin with a brief description of bilateral relations from the moment these were formalized, in 1974, up to the present. Subsequently, the financing granted by China to Venezuela in the period 2000-2018 is carefully analyzed, particularly the amounts and granting conditions.

Fuente: Carlos Eduardo Piña: “Chinese Financing in Venezuela (2000-2018). Joint Funds and Loans-for-Oil”, en Enrique Dussel Peters (Coord.): China’s Financing in Latin America and the Caribbean. México, D. F., Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, 2019, pp. 337-371. Disponible en: 20191001_CECHIMEX_REDALC_China’s_financing_in_Latin_America_and_the_C (